Gay News

Florida is investigating a teacher for showing a Disney movie in class

A school board member accused her of indoctrination because the Disney movie wasn't homophobic enough.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2023

Residents vote against school funding after rightwingers protest “demonic” trans bathroom policy

After an angry crowd accused the district of "moral depravity" with its "Luciferian" policy, a vote for a school tax levy failed.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2023

Gay congressman honors all mothers in response to Marjorie Taylor Greene’s homophobic comments

"Marjorie Taylor Greene’s comments were gross, bigoted, and invalidated the thousands of loving LGBTQ+ and adoptive families across this country."

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2023

Megyn Kelly wants to fight Charlize Theron over drag queens

“Why doesn’t Charlize Theron come and f--- me up?”

logo.png  By LGBT  May 16, 2023