Gay News

Why does the Mormon Church condemn homosexuality but support the Respect for Marriage Act?

The Church's support for the Respect for Marriage Act may come from its awareness of its own self-interest. Or, rather, was it divine revelation?

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 28, 2022

Meet the transgender heartthrob of the Wild West

Harry Allen was a skilled barroom brawler, trick shooter, and dashing womanizer known for having multiple mares in his stable at any given moment.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 28, 2022

Military dad & trans daughter sue for right of military dependents to get gender-affirming surgery

The Department of Defense provides gender-affirming surgeries for active-duty military personnel, but it denies this lifesaving care to dependents.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 28, 2022

5 cities where retirement is great (and one you may not have thought of)

Whether you're a couch potato or disco napper, the world is at your doorstep in these five world-class cities.

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 28, 2022