Gay News

Head of Russian Orthodox Church blames gays for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine

ShutterstockHis workplace allows him to wear a dress to work every day, but Patriarch Kirill blames Pride parades for the deaths of innocent civilians.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 9, 2022

Brian Sims accuses straight opponent of faking major endorsements from LGBTQ leaders

Screenshot/FacebookThe campaign claims that at least three of the seven LGBTQ leaders who "endorsed" his opponent were tricked into attending the event under false pretenses.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 9, 2022

Idaho passes Russian-style gay propaganda law that would jail librarians for “objectionable” books

ShutterstockThe bill is similar to Russia's "gay propaganda" law that allows librarians, teachers, bookstore owners, and students to be prosecuted for disseminating anything that portrays LGBTQ people in a positive light.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 9, 2022

DeSantis Press Sec defends calling “Don’t Say Gay” bill opponents pedophiles: “A hit dog hollers”

Screenshot, Youtube"It’s difficult to understand why anyone would disagree.”

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 9, 2022