Gay News

Florida teen covertly criticized “Don’t Say Gay” law in graduation speech to slip by principal

Zander Moricz's speech used his curly hair as an analogy for being gay, discussing his attempts to "straighten" his hair out and help others accept themselves.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 25, 2022

Employee fired for saying the Pride flag is an “abomination” sues for religious discrimination

ShutterstockHe says the company violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by firing him for his hateful "Christian" statements.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 25, 2022

The force behind Jazz Jennings is unconditional love

ShutterstockShe has empowered transgender youth across the nation, but her every step has been supported by her biggest advocate — her mom.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 25, 2022

State Farm pulls out of school book program after anti-LGBTQ extremists accuse them of grooming kids

ShutterstockAn internal email to State Farm employees said that only parents should talk to their own kids about LGBTQ diversity issues, echoing anti-LGBTQ rhetoric.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 25, 2022