Gay News

Frenzied gang threaten to stab gay man and trans woman in disturbing viral TikTok

A group of rowdy men told a gay man and a trans women they would stab them and demanded they leave a London takeaway all while filming them. An alarming and since-deleted TikTok video shows the moment Valentino Kyriakou and Naya Martinez were targeted by

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 2, 2022

Whoopi Goldberg suspended from The View after claiming the Holocaust ‘isn’t about race’

Whoopi Goldberg has been suspended from The View following her “wrong and hurtful” comments about the Holocaust. The 66-year-old came under fire on Monday after she claimed on the US talk show that the Holocaust “wasn’t about race&

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 2, 2022

Tommy Dorfman and husband Peter Zurkuhlen call it quits after five years of marriage

Tommy Dorfman and her husband Peter Zurkuhlen have officially decided to end their marriage, after first separating in 2021. Dorfman first revealed the couple’s relationship had changed after she confirmed she is a transgender woman, with the actress reve

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 2, 2022

Drag Race clown Jimbo leaves fans gagged with ‘truly chaotic, utterly camp’ UK vs The World outing

RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs the World premiered with a mix of gag-worthy looks, eye-brow raising “talents” and shady comments for days as queens from five different spin-offs faced off against each other. Fan-favourites from the UK, US, Tha

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 2, 2022