Gay News

Sex and the City’s Mario Cantone pays tribute to Willie Garson after moving final scenes

As Sex and the City reboot And Just Like That… bids farewell to Willie Garson’s Stanford, Mario Cantone, who plays Anthony, has paid his own tribute. Garson passed away from pancreatic cancer in September aged 57. He is survived by his son Nat

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 24, 2021

Indian marriage site to start matchmaking LGBT+ couples – despite same-sex wedding ban, one of India’s most popular websites for singles seeking marriage, has announced that it intends to open up its services to the LGBT+ community. The company’s founder and CEO, Anupam Mittal, made the announcement in an interview with Business

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 24, 2021

UCL slammed for ignoring LGBT+ staff and students in cutting Stonewall ties over ‘academic freedom’

University College London (UCL) has been criticised for disregarding the viewpoints of LGBT+ groups after it decided to cut ties with Stonewall. UCL announced this week that it would end its involvement with the LGBT+ charity’s Diversity Champions program

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 24, 2021

Queer UCL student explains why Stonewall row has left them feeling hurt, excluded – but not hopeless

A queer University College London (UCL) masters student explains why the university’s decision to cut ties with Stonewall is so hurtful. A few days ago, UCL became the first university to sever ties with Stonewall, the largest charity supporting LGB

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 24, 2021