Gay News

Arkansas passed a bill that’s a sneaky attempt to ban gender-affirming care again

The bill's sponsor called gender-affirming care "mutilations" in this blatant attempt to restrict health care access.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 15, 2023

Wellesley students fight for trans men to be allowed to attend the all-women’s school

Supporters of a more inclusive school believe Wellesley was founded as a safe space for anyone experiencing gender discrimination.

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Conservatives say LGBTQ+ diversity caused the Silicon Valley Bank collapse

Did you know that observing Lesbian Visibility Day and National Pride Month will cause your bank to lose billions of dollars?

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Jamie Lee Curtis tearfully gives her Oscar they/them pronouns to support her trans daughter

“I’m gonna just call them ‘Them.’ They/them. And they are doing great!”

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 15, 2023