Gay News

Real-life sport of quidditch changes name to distance itself from JK Rowling

Quidditch (yes, it’s a real sport) has officially changed its name to quadball, in an effort to distance itself from JK Rowling. The sport was inspired by the wizarding game of the same name in Rowling’s Harry Potter books. But in an effort to

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 21, 2022

Thug who beat Greek LGBTQ+ activist to death walks free after two months in prison

A man convicted convicted of beating Greek LGBTQ+ activist Zak Kostopoulos to death has walked free after two months in prison. Estate agent Thanassis Hortarias was jailed in May on charges over the death of the 33-year-old HIV-positive LGBTQ+ activist, a

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 21, 2022

Jeopardy! champ Hemant Mehta called a ‘closet f*g’ by hate preacher for being an LGBTQ+ ally

Atheist activist and Jeopardy! champ Hemant Mehta was described as a “closet f*g” by a Christian hate preacher, all because he is an LGBTQ+ ally. Mehta, who won $13,999 as a contestant on Jeopardy! in 2020 and founded the Friendly Atheist blog

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 21, 2022

House passes marriage equality for same-sex couples bill. 157 Republicans voted against it.

Shutterstock"Marriage is between a man and a woman and that's how God created it," Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said about why she voted against it. The post House passes marriage equality for same-sex couples bill. 157 Republicans voted against it. appear

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 21, 2022