Gay News

Russia slaps TV channel with hefty fine over topless hunks and man in a dress

A Russian television channel has been fined for so-called “gay propaganda” after its guests wore gender-flipping garbs. The Muz-TV awards, one of the country’s top showbiz events, ruffled Russian officials’ feathers when two singer

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 19, 2021

Adele drops an emotional brick on the gays with 30: Despair, divorce and wine

Adele has finally dropped her long-awaited fourth studio album 30, meaning fans are once again weeping into their pillows and knocking back wine like it’s going out of fashion. The British singer released the hotly-anticipated album on Friday (19 No

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 19, 2021

Cis people get gender-affirming healthcare over the counter. Why can’t trans folk have the same?

Gender-affirming healthcare for trans and non-binary people is being attacked, legally and politically, in the UK. We’ve seen this with Keira Bell’s well-funded court case, which almost succeeded in making it so that trans kids needed court ap

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 19, 2021

Ladyhawke on overcoming ‘disgusting’ homophobia, Catholic guilt and postnatal depression

When Ladyhawke released her debut album in 2009, she was warned by people in the UK’s music industry that she should avoid talking about her sexuality in interviews. Looking back on that time, Ladyhawke – or Pip Brown, if you want to use her real na

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 19, 2021