Gay News

GOP politician’s cringeworthy rap campaign ad has the world laughing

She bemoans the lack of "morality" from the current crop of politicians. She's a sitting state senator running for re-election.

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 20, 2022

Virginia policy will restrict transgender students’ access to bathrooms & out them to parents

The Republican governor's policy values teachers' free speech rights more than trans students' well-being, critics said.

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 20, 2022

He couldn’t hide in his small hometown. So he decided to stand out

As a tall, Black minister's son in a small, predominantly white Texas town, DeAndré Upshaw definitely stood out. It ended up helping him thrive in the small community.

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 20, 2022

Twitter provides an insider’s view as Queen Elizabeth II is laid to rest

The royal hearse drove the queen's coffin through throngs of mourning Londoners on the way to her final committal ceremony — here's a look as the monarch is laid to rest.

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 20, 2022