Gay News

Liz Truss’ likely cabinet: The good, the bad and the terrifying for LGBTQ+ rights

After Liz Truss’ victory in the Tory leadership race, we look at her likely new cabinet and their stances on LGBTQ+ rights. Truss was confirmed as Britain’s next prime minister on Monday (5 September), and will take office after visiting the Q

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 6, 2022

Russell T Davies shares damning indictment of next prime minister Liz Truss

It’s a Sin writer Russell T Davies has slammed new prime minister Liz Truss by sharing an Instagram post of his satirical character Vivienne Rook, alongside the caption: “And so it came to pass”. Rook is a populist politician in the 2019

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 6, 2022

Liz Truss challenged to call a general election and test her ‘toxic policies’ with the public

Prime minister Liz Truss has been invited to call a general election to let the public give their stance on her “toxic policies” by a long-time LGBTQ+ campaigner.  Truss was announced as the UK’s next prime minister after winning the Conservative party le

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 6, 2022

Chile overwhelmingly rejects progressive new constitution that would’ve enshrined LGBTQ+ rights

A majority of voters in Chile rejected a progressive constitution that would have enshrined greater social and LGBTQ+ rights. With almost all of the ballots counted, 62 per cent of voters rejected the new proposal with only 38 per cent in favour. The vote

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 6, 2022