Gay News

Lesbian sex bans declared human rights violation by UN for the first time

The UN has become the first international law body to declare that criminalising lesbian sex is a violation of human rights. On Wednesday, 23 March, a UN committee, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), ru

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 1, 2022

Trans Day of Visibility: 27 trans and non-binary people who are loud, proud and making change

On Trans Day of Visibility, we are honouring just some of the trans and non-binary people who are making the world a little brighter. Each year, on 31 March, Trans Day of Visibility sees the world celebrate trans people while highlighting the difficulties

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 1, 2022

Trans Day of Visibility: Lilly Wachowski and Margaret Atwood lead celebrations in moving videos

Lilly Wachowski, Hope Giselle, Margaret Atwood, Miriam Margolyes and more star in a powerful pair of videos that mark Trans Day of Visibility. March 31 is Trans Day of Visibility – a day of focus, love and support for trans people and issues. One in which

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 1, 2022

14 unique gifts for the asexual in your life including t-shirts, pins and phone cases

International Asexuality Day takes place on 6 April, to raise awareness of and celebrate those on the ace spectrum. The day aims to highlight the discrimination faced by asexual people, while also educating others about asexuality. The asexual Pride flag

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 1, 2022