Gay News

Tory minister Nadine Dorries backs trans swimming ban and urges other sports to follow

Digital, culture, media and sport secretary Nadine Dorries wants other sports to follow swimming’s governing body in barring trans women from women’s sports. The International Swimming Federation (FINA) effectively banned trans women from comp

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 21, 2022

Trans swimming ban, monkeypox latest and Eurovision row: 5 things you need to know about

The world’s governing body for swimming has voted to ban trans women who have gone through male puberty in a stunning attack on trans inclusion in sport. Elsewhere, the Eurovision fallout continues after the contest’s organisers asked the UK t

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 21, 2022

Trans women effectively banned from women’s swimming competitions: ‘Deeply discriminatory’

Elite swimming’s governing body FINA has voted to effectively ban trans women from competing in women’s elite races, stating it will instead create a separate “open category”. The new policy, which will include Olympic events, was

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 21, 2022

Tory asylum policy could sentence LGBTQ+ refugees to death: ‘There is a large element of racism’

On World Refugee Day, we question why things are getting worse for asylum seekers – particularly for LGBTQ+ refugees. Increasingly, governments are pursuing hardline approaches that leave asylum seekers out in the cold – there was outcry when Britain̵

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 21, 2022