Gay News

Armed guards protect all-ages drag event in Texas from far-right protesters

The anti-LGBTQ protesters held signs that said, "Drag the queens out of town" and "Stop sexualizing children."

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 30, 2022

Anti-trans group hijacking Pride Cymru ‘drowned out’ by a united LGBTQ+ community

Anti-trans demonstrators were all but “drowned out by the shouts of solidarity” from the LGBTQ+ community celebrating Pride Cymru. On Saturday (27 August), the streets of Cardiff heaved with rainbow flags, handmade signs and tossed confetti fo

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 29, 2022

‘Straight Pride’ rocked by violence as Proud Boys and LGBTQ+ protesters clash

A “Straight Pride” event organised by an anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-abortion group ended in violence when the few dozen participants clashed with LGBTQ+ counter-protesters. Police wearing tactical riot gear arrested three people and detained four be

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 29, 2022

Violent homophobic thugs held Ghanaian LGBTQ+ activist hostage: ‘Annoy us and we’ll kill you’

A leading LGBTQ+ activist in Ghana was “held hostage by seven homophobic men” who brutally beat him until a ransom was paid. Rightify Ghana, one of the West African nation’s most vocal LGBTQ+ groups, claimed its executive director was am

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 29, 2022