Gay News

Wanda Sykes says she would call out Dave Chappelle’s transphobia

“If our paths did cross, I totally would say something.”

logo.png  By LGBT  May 26, 2023

Mom blames transphobic law after library blocks her disabled son’s restroom use

Her son is on the autism spectrum, has a seizure disorder, and is nonverbal.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 26, 2023

Christian group sues to block law meant to combat online hate speech

The group represents some of the nation's most rabidly anti-LGBTQ+ voices.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 26, 2023

GOP lawmaker castigates Joe Biden for not nominating enough straight white men to judiciary

He complained that it's "almost impossible for a white guy who’s not gay" to get a federal judicial nomination.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 26, 2023