Gay News

White supremacists destroyed a Pride mural. The video they made got them arrested.

KING 5 screenshotThey had planned to smash the phones of anyone trying to record their late-night vandalism. Ironically, their own recording helped identify them.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 19, 2022

Lia Thomas nominated for NCAA Woman of the Year Award after facing big challenges to compete

ScreenshotLia Thomas became a lightning rod in the debate around transgender athletes’ participation in elite sports.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 19, 2022

Univ of Idaho law students allege professor & Christian students make them fear for their lives

ShutterstockThe professor and students formed a "prayer circle" around queer students protesting an anti-LGBTQ slur left in a classroom. The queer students say they have continued to harass them - with help from a hate group.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 19, 2022

The Supreme Court may overturn same-sex marriage. A new bill could enshrine it into federal law

ShutterstockThe bill could help ensure same-sex marriages are recognized nationwide, but — as always — it's unclear if enough Republican senators will help support it.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 19, 2022