Gay News

Cis woman interrupts anti-trans protest and instantly becomes an icon: ‘Trans women are women!’

A cis woman we can only describe as an icon interrupted a so-called “gender critical” protest in Manchester on Sunday (15 May) by posing as a speaker and shouting “trans women are women” to an unamused crowd. At a rally organised b

logo.png  By LGBT  May 17, 2022

Kristin Chenoweth says fate saved her from being killed in grisly mass murder

Kristin Chenoweth has revealed her connection to the 1977 Oklahoma Girl Scout murders.  In 1977, three young Girl Scouts, aged between eight and 10, were found raped and murdered on their first night away at camp.  The case remains unsolved, and has haunt

logo.png  By LGBT  May 17, 2022

John Oliver tells trans kids ‘you are important’ in furious NSFW rant against Alabama governor

John Oliver has torn Alabama politician Kay Ivey to shreds in a furious rant against her bill banning gender-affirming healthcare for trans youth in the state. The bill, which was partly blocked by a judge on Friday (13 May), would make it a felony for an

logo.png  By LGBT  May 17, 2022

Joe Biden urges Americans to ‘speak out against hate’ as anti-LGBTQ+ attacks multiply

Joe Biden has marked International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT) with a message of “support and solidarity”. The president’s statement comes in the face of rising anti-LGBTQ+ hostility from legislators up an

logo.png  By LGBT  May 17, 2022