Gay News

Australian ex-PM Scott Morrison gives church sermon with notorious homophobe Margaret Court

Former Australian prime minister Scott Morrison delivered a sermon at the notorious anti-LGBTQ+ church founded by Margaret Court. Morrison, who was prime minister until his Liberal-National Coalition lost its majority to Labor in the May 2022 election, sp

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 20, 2022

So-called ‘anti-woke’ candidate Kemi Badenoch knocked out of Tory leadership race

Ex-equalities minister Kemi Badenoch has been knocked out of the Tory leadership race, dashing her hopes of replacing prime minister Boris Johnson. Conservative MPs completed a fourth round of voting on Tuesday afternoon (19 July) to whittle the four rema

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 20, 2022

Elliot Page and The Umbrella Academy helped my dad understand me being trans

Ryan Phillips, an ambassador for LGBTQ+ young people’s charity Just Like Us, writes for PinkNews how Elliot Page and The Umbrella Academy helped his family understand his trans identity. It took a while for my family to adjust when I told them that

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 20, 2022

Twitter refuses to delete Marjorie Taylor Greene’s latest ‘hateful’ transphobic tweets

Twitter refused to remove “hateful” tweets by Marjorie Taylor Greene after the anti-trans politician misgendered and deadnamed Dr Rachel Levine.  Greene posted a video of the assistant secretary for health, who is the first openly trans offici

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 20, 2022