Gay News

New York City mayor Eric Adams urges LGBT+ Floridians to move in wake of ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law

New York City mayor Eric Adams announced on Monday (4 April) a campaign of digital billboard ads in Florida denouncing the hateful ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law. The ads will appear in five Florida cities and on social media. “Loud. Proud. S

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 6, 2022

Tories’ flagship LGBT+ conference cancelled in embarrassing blow amid conversion therapy row

The Tory government’s flagship LGBT+ conference has been cancelled amid furious backlash over a U-turn on conversion therapy. Described as the “first-ever global LGBT conference in London” by the Tory government, Safe To Be Me: A Global Equalities C

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 6, 2022

Georgia lawmakers make last-minute U-turn on cruel ban on trans athletes

Georgia lawmakers have passed a bill that would empower an athletics committee to exclude trans youth from fully participating in school sports.  Politicians advanced House Bill 1084 (HB 1084) in a last-minute move on Monday (4 April) with the legislation

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 6, 2022

Florida Republican wants to make life-saving healthcare for trans kids a felony

A Florida Republican has vowed to introduce legislation next session that would criminalise gender-affirming care for trans youth in the state.  State representative Randy Fine said in a post on social media on Monday (4 April) that he would “shepherd leg

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 6, 2022