Gay News

Mean Girls’ Daniel Franzese on why he’s ‘conflicted’ over Brendan Fraser’s casting as fat, gay man

Actor Daniel Franzese isn’t sure how to feel about Brendan Fraser being cast in the upcoming film The Whale. The Mean Girls star said in an interview with People that, while he thinks Fraser is a “lovely actor”, he doesn’t understa

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 28, 2022

Brittney Griner’s ‘heartless’ college coach blasted for refusing to comment on jailed WNBA star

Kim Mulkey, who coached basketball star Brittney Griner for four years, has been branded “heartless” after refusing to comment on her detention in Russia. Mulkey coached Griner while she played for Baylor University in Waco, Texas, and Griner

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 28, 2022

JK Rowling rages against supporters of trans youth charity Mermaids – such as Emma Watson and AOC

JK Rowling, who runs a charity for children, has taken to Twitter to rage against… a charity for children. On Monday (26 September), the contentious Harry Potter author shared an article from The Telegraph, which claimed to have undertaken an “

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 28, 2022

Gay foster parents have baby taken from them after intervention by Turkish government

A family who objected to their son being fostered by a gay couple has been backed by the Turkish government which favours same descent carers.  In May this year, a 10-month-old boy from a Turkish-German family was handed over to the Jugendamt (Germany’s c

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 28, 2022