Gay News

Madison Cawthorn gets mocked for not knowing what pronouns are

Gage SkidmoreThe internet is having a field day with the Republican congressman.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 22, 2021

Utah billionaire leaves Mormon church with blistering accusation it is actively harming the world

ShutterstockThe state's richest native will give $600,000 to an LGBTQ group to assist any queer students at the church's Brigham Young University who might be forced to leave.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 22, 2021

Joe Manchin sinks Joe Biden’s agenda & presidency. He killed LGBTQ civil rights when he did it.

Third Way Think TankThe West Virginia democrat complained about being lobbied by activists and members of his own party to do the right thing.

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 22, 2021

Revolting “hurt feelings” employee complaint form for “queers” & “sissies” sparks outrage online

RedditIt lists several incredibly vile reasons why the report is being filed, including being a "p***y," "queer," or "little bitch."

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 22, 2021