Gay News

GOP freaks out after Air Force memo says service members can include pronouns in email signatures

Bil BrowningRepublicans are, of course, denouncing the policy.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 11, 2022

Republican who compared gay people to “pedophiles” denies child sex abuse accusation

Michigan HouseThe former lawmaker who compared gay people to "swingers, adulterers, polygamists, and pedophiles" said he had an "adult relationship" with his former student and sister-in-law.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 11, 2022

Move over horse paste. Now conservatives think boner pills will cure COVID.

ScreenshotIvermectin is down. Viagra is up.

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Caitlyn Jenner retweets former Trump staffer’s vicious anti-trans slam on college athletes

screenshotCaitlyn Jenner - who has competed in a women's golf tournament - retweeted a message calling transgender athletes "unqualified men."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 11, 2022