Gay News

George Santos accused of lying about being a “star” athlete as GOP back home calls on him to resign

Santos said "that he was a star on the Baruch volleyball team and that they won the league championship," the Nassau County GOP chair said.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 12, 2023

Democratic incompetence elected George Santos to Congress

Santos' 18-year-old boyfriend found out the politician was a fraud by googling him. With all their resources, Democrats didn't even bother to do that.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 12, 2023

Did Mike Pence buy his way onto the New York Times Best Sellers list?

Michelle Obama's book debuted on the list the same week. While Pence ended up in second place, she was number one.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 11, 2023

The Speakership drama is just the beginning of two years of GOP meltdown

The House is now effectively controlled by a bunch of Republicans who simply want to burn everything down, starting with their leaders.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 11, 2023