Gay News

Children’s hospital forced to evacuate after bomb threat over trans kids

The hospital has been the target of an online misinformation campaign because it helps transgender youth.

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 2, 2022

Greg Abbott’s anti-trans order has helped destroy Texas’ child abuse agency

Abbott's order to investigate trans-supportive families for "child abuse" was so bad that state employees were told never to discuss it in writing.

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Christian teacher wins $95,000 settlement after misgendering student for “religious” reasons

She insisted that calling a trans boy "Miss" was a "compromise" between respecting him and following her religious beliefs.

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Snooker champ predicts “end of women’s sport” if trans women can play too

She also claims “90 percent of the players on the women's tour don't agree with" transitioned females playing the tabletop game with cisgender women.

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 2, 2022