Gay News

New Yorkers can now choose X gender markers on state IDs in ‘significant milestone’

Non-binary New Yorkers will now be able to have state identification cards with an X gender marker on them – a simple but seismic step forward. New York governor Kathy Hochul announced Friday (27 May) that driver’s licences, learner permits and non-

logo.png  By LGBT  May 30, 2022

This Week on LGBTQ Twitter: Furry fearmongering backfires

ScreenshotAnd Uncle George Takei finds a way to make Elon Musk's tweets funny.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 30, 2022

What makes 80s music and movies so appealing?

ShutterstockThe decade of the 80s isn’t generally considered a critical high point in either music or movies. So why is it so popular worldwide?

logo.png  By LGBT  May 30, 2022

Barbie has released its first-ever transgender doll, styled after iconic actress Laverne Cox

©2021 Mattel / ShutterstockCox said she felt so grateful to be able to give her younger self something she was denied as a child.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 30, 2022