Gay News

Jen Psaki smacks down Fox reporter who suggested calling COVID “a pandemic of the vaccinated”

Official White House Photo by Cameron SmithJen Psaki had to explain, once again, that the vaccines are a safe and effective way to fight COVID.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 6, 2022

Andy Cohen “won’t be shamed” for drunken New Year’s smack talk despite reports of CNN’s anger

CNN screenshotCNN sources said they were so "embarrassed" by Andy Cohen's drunken antics during the holiday broadcast they don't want him back.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 6, 2022

Out Democrat forced to pull bill that would ban genital surgery on minors that actually happens

ShutterstockCalifornia Sen. Scott Wiener said that he would try again to ban the practice of genital surgery on intersex youth, which can cause physical and emotional distress for life.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 6, 2022

Gay right-wing troll Andy Ngo targeted wheelchair user, resulting in attacks & death threats

screen captureThe disabled activist said that he has been "shot at, head-butted, punched, sprayed with mace, doxed, threatened, and had a loaded gun pulled on him" since Andy Ngo began targeting him.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 6, 2022