Gay News

Mississippi House passes an anti-trans bill. This time the target isn’t kids.

White HouseBut the "Real You Act" included children originally.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 11, 2022

Out members of Congress call on CDC to make new HIV prevention drug free of cost

CompositeA letter penned by Reps. Mondaire Jones and Ritchie Torres and signed by 56 others urges that a new injectable form of PrEP be as accessible as possible.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 11, 2022

Jen Psaki smacked down rightwing “free crack pipe” misinformation while Lauren Boebert spread it

White House/Jeffrey Breall via Wiki"Nothing says 'Democrat Priorities' like... making crack pipes free," Lauren Boebert tweeted. Jen Psaki had to explain that there is no free crack pipe program.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 11, 2022

Andrea Jenkins on the power of Black trans resilience

Tony Webster/via WikipediaThe nation's first out trans city council president lives two blocks from where George Floyd was murdered. She writes about where we go from here.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 11, 2022