Gay News

Meet Brian Alston-Carter. You’ll want to remember his name

Despite death threats and backlash, the Sumter, South Carolina, school board member is "igniting a flame for change" in rural America.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 10, 2022

Log Cabin Republicans compare FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid to Stonewall riot & it didn’t go over well

Twitter users called out the gay conservative org's hypocrisy and apparent thirst for humiliation.

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Trans skateboarder Leo Baker stays on board in new Netflix documentary

Baker quit the Olympics when they came out as trans. Now nothing can stop them.

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Church stages Hamilton with drastically altered lyrics to make the musical more Christian

The church claimed it had received permission to put on a changed version of the award-winning hip-hop musical — it hadn't.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 10, 2022