Gay News

The world is getting ready to celebrate Pride & we want to see your pictures now

Darcy KaserFor a chance to be featured in our annual #PrideinPictures series, submit a photo from Pride and tell us why it is meaningful to you.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 3, 2022

Homophobia could end Madison Cawthorn’s career in politics & LGBTQ people know what karma is

Gage SkidmoreAfter a lot worse scandals, it's the suggestion of an inappropriate relationship with a man and a cruise ship game that are most likely to sink Cawthorn's career.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 3, 2022

Taco Bell Drag Brunch celebrates LGBTQ culture while helping a good cause

Taco Bell"Don't you wish your breakfast was cheap like me?" host Key Sedia sang to guests dining on $5 brunch boxes.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 3, 2022

Maine Republicans can’t stop obsessing about same-sex marriage. It’s even in their platform again.

ShutterstockWhile America has moved on and locals overwhelmingly support marriage equality, the GOP is stuck in the past.

logo.png  By LGBT  May 3, 2022