Gay News

Queer couples share tender, steamy, defiant kisses in new Stonewall anti-hate campaign

A new Stonewall campaign is celebrating the beauty of queer love and ‘kissing hate goodbye’ amid rising homophobic and transphobic hate crimes. The Stonewall video, entitled Proud Mistletoe, shows queer couples kissing in parks, under Christma

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 19, 2021

School sparks outrage by suspending kindergarten teacher for flying Pride flag

A kindergarten teacher in Waukesha, Wisconsin, has been suspended for refusing to take down a Pride flag in her classroom. Sarah Whaley received a formal reprimand from the the school district of Waukesha after refusing to take her flag down, according to

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 19, 2021

How a simple haircut can bring absolute trans joy: ‘It was a hot mess, but my hot mess’

As trans and non-binary people, discovering joy can come through the changes we make to live authentically – big and small, internal and external, spoken about and not. We might make changes to the clothes we wear, the name and pronouns we use, and how we

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 19, 2021

Legacies bids farewell to beloved queer character after Kaylee Bryant’s departure

Kaylee Bryant has said goodbye CW’s Legacies after portraying fan-favourite queer character Josie Saltzman for four seasons. Bryant has played Josie Saltzman on the supernatural drama series, which is a spin-off of The Originals, since 2018. The show feat

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 19, 2021