Gay News

Speaker Mike Johnson wanted to criminalize sodomy & called gay marriage the “harbinger of chaos”

He also said that gay people should not be a protected class because they "are capable of changing their abnormal lifestyles."

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Lucky to be intersex: How one woman overcame secrecy & shame to embrace her truest self

Her parents told her to keep it a secret, but now Maria Tridas is sharing who she is with the entire world.

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America’s first out elected officials were two civil rights warriors you’ve probably never heard of

Before there was Harvey Milk, Barney Frank, or Danica Roem, there was Jerry and Nancy.

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Colorado GOP turns on Lauren Boebert & says her Beetlejuice behavior should cost her reelection

"What she did at Beetlejuice was altogether indefensible,” one state Republican official said.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 27, 2023