Gay News

Transphobic bomb threats cancel school’s in-person classes until end of year

ShutterstockThe school was investigating three boys for misgendering a trans kid. This angered people so much that their bomb threats canceled the city's Memorial Day parade.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 1, 2022

J.K. Rowling complains about trans people at a prison where rape is so bad it’s getting shut down

ShutterstockCis guards raping women inmates is a rampant problem at this prison, but J.K. Rowling is tweeting about trans women.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 1, 2022

Right wing group publishes map of “woke” schools shortly after mass shooting at elementary school

ShutterstockThe map highlights places where diversity training and other "liberal" actions have occurred.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 1, 2022

Eurovision winners Kalush Orchestra sell trophy to buy drones for Ukraine’s military

Eurovision Song Contest winners Kalush Orchestra have raised $900,000 (£713,000) for Ukraine’s military by auctioning off their trophy. The historic moment the group won Eurovision with their entry “Stefania” was an emotional one for vie

logo.png  By LGBT  May 31, 2022