Gay News

Penny Mordaunt doubles down on trans stance and says she never wanted Gender Recognition Act reform

Tory leadership candidate Penny Mordaunt has said that she never supported plans to reform the Gender Recognition Act. Mordaunt served as equalities minister under Theresa May across 2018 and 2019, and during that time oversaw a public consultation on ref

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 13, 2022

GOP Congressman rants about embassies flying Pride flags during “gay month”

U.S. HouseRep. Glenn Grothman said it's "horrible" when other countries see the rainbow flag and assume that homosexuality is "the secret to America’s wealth and prosperity."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 13, 2022

Mob of conservative mothers demand library burn Pride display books

ShutterstockOnly one of the mothers filed a formal complaint about the books, but instead of her name she wrote that she was a "Christian taxpayer."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 13, 2022

A year after anti-LGBTQ terrorist attack, Tbilisi Pride looks ahead

Shutterstock"It’s important to understand that homophobia is the tool for Russia to destabilize Georgia."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 13, 2022