Gay News

Brianna Ghey’s classmates mark what would have been her 17th birthday

To mark what would have been her 17th birthday, classmates of the late Brianna Ghey came into school this week wearing pink, her favourite colour. Brianna, a transgender teenager, was just 16 years old when she was stabbed and killed in Linear Park, Warri

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 9, 2023

Nurse accused of making ‘derogatory’ anti-trans comments tells discipline hearing she’s ‘not transphobic’

A nurse from British Columbia, Canada in the midst of a discipline hearing over “derogatory” anti-trans comments has insisted that she is “not transphobic”. Amy Hamm has been accused of unprofessional conduct over social media posts, podcast appearances,

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 9, 2023

Trans boy banned from playing male lead in school production of ‘Oklahoma!’

A trans teenage boy has been told he will no longer be allowed to play the male lead in his school’s production of Oklahoma! due to a brand new policy. Last month, Max Hightower was cast as Curly in Sherman High School’s student production of the Rodgers

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 9, 2023

Ohio votes to protect right to abortion in landmark pro-choice win

Voters in the state of Ohio have approved a constitutional amendment that will protect people’s right to abortion, as well as other forms of reproductive healthcare. The landmark pro-choice decision will go into effect in just 30 days and will make Ohio t

logo.png  By LGBT  Nov 9, 2023