Gay News

Elderly gay Navy veteran jailed for almost two years for having consensual sex in nursing home

A gay senior with Parkinson’s disease spent 22 months in jail after care home staffers saw him giving oral sex to a fellow resident. At the Southampton Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, Leroy Martin, an 81-year-o

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 12, 2021

In just a single day, three trans people were brutally murdered in Colombia

In a single day in Colombia, three trans and non-binary people were brutally slain, capturing the “systematic” violence the community knows all too well. Maní, a sex worker, was stabbed to death in Bogotá, the country’s capital city, on

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 12, 2021

Strictly viewers left in tears after John Whaite and Johannes Radebe tell the world: ‘It gets better’

Strictly Come Dancing viewers were left in tears as John Whaite and Johannes Radebe delivered a stunning semi-finals performance. On Saturday night (11 December), the pair took to the ballroom for a glorious Couple’s Choice to “Hometown Glory&

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 12, 2021

An anti-vax version of ‘All I Want For Christmas is You’ exists and it’s idiotic sacrilege

A Californian woman decided to perform an anti-vax rendition of Mariah Carey’s iconic All I Want For Christmas is You – and the result is just as bizarre as you would expect. For reasons unknown, the singer – who identified herself as Bridgette – shared h

logo.png  By LGBT  Dec 12, 2021