Gay News

German teacher sends students candy & note comparing trans kids to rattlesnakes

ScreenshotHe also included a religious DVD in his "care package" to explain his decision to disrespect students in his classroom.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 28, 2022

Out Olympic gymnast wows Voice judges & lands coveted spot in singing competition

ScreenshotIt only took 45 seconds for all of the judges to turn around and offer to be his coach.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 28, 2022

Ron DeSantis isn’t going to like these billboards popping up all over Florida’s tourism hotspots

HRCLGBTQ groups are clapping back at the state's atrocious "Don't Say Gay" law.

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 28, 2022

JK Rowling blasted as ‘perfect example of how not to be an ally’ by Lesbian Visibility Week founder

Lesbian Visibility Week founder Linda Riley has slammed JK Rowling as the “perfect example of how not to be an ally”. Lesbian Visibility Week, which celebrates lesbians and honours all queer women and non-binary folk within the LGBT+ community

logo.png  By LGBT  Apr 27, 2022