Gay News

Marjorie Taylor Greene demands new House speaker push her anti-trans bill to get her support

Republicans are scrambling to find a speaker who can appease all factions. And this is her top demand.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 10, 2023

Queer men flocked to these secret 18th-century gay clubs to mingle, have sex, & mock straight people

Dozens of men came to Molly Houses to let loose, but their popularity would ultimately cause their downfall.

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This town banned Pride because of drag. Now they’re getting sued for restricting free speech.

The town even has an ordinance that bans "acts of homosexuality" as "indecent behavior."

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Four attackers break 72-year-old man’s jaw while shouting anti-gay slurs

They punched him, kicked him, and yelled, "What are you doing around here, you f**king f***ot?"

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 10, 2023