Gay News

Genital exams for schoolgirls called out in Ohio political ads

The ads draw attention to an Ohio bill that could require female student-athletes to undergo genital examinations.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 26, 2022

Anti-LGBTQ activists will train Florida’s public school librarians on which books to ban

The state group includes a nominee from an organization that opposes books on “Islam,” “socialism,” sex, LGBTQ identity, climate change, and gun control.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 26, 2022

Adm. Rachel Levine has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine

Election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors in the fields of health and medicine.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 26, 2022

Fascist Proud Boys turn to violence against LGBTQ allies at drag queen event

A rightwing activist doxed an 11-year-old performer ahead of the event.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 26, 2022