Gay News

Mutilated body of missing trans person found hidden in killer’s home

A man has been arrested for the murder of a trans woman in India, after a piece of her body was found in his home. Warning: this story contains graphic content.  Zoya Kinnar, a trans woman in the city of Indore, India, had been missing since Sunday (28 Au

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 2, 2022

Russian bid to extend vile LGBTQ+ propaganda ban to adults inches forward

Russia is inching closer to extending its so-called ‘LGBTQ+ propaganda’ law, and is considering enforcing even harsher punishments. Russia’s LGBTQ+ propaganda law was signed by Vladimir Putin in 2013, to protect children from being exposed to

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Vote now for the 2022 LGBTQ Nation Hero of the Year

We were inspired by these five outstanding LGBTQ heroes this past year. Who inspired you the most?

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The anti-trans middle school vice principal who threw beer on a woman has been reinstated

Despite viral video of the encounter and the superintendent's wish to let him go, he has been given the job of "Vice Principal of Safety" district-wide.

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 2, 2022