Gay News

A trans woman who hasn’t been convicted of a crime was raped 3 times in prison. She’s suing.

ShutterstockLatee Brockington was allegedly raped three times in a men's prison, and she is still in a male facility living in constant fear.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 13, 2022

Gay couple defiantly kisses on camera in historic first. The video has gone viral.

ScreenshotTwo men photobombed a reporter from a country where homosexuality is illegal and looked defiantly at the camera.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 13, 2022

Environmental group’s hatred of trans people is stalling a fight against a Nevada mine

ShutterstockDeep Green Resistance believes in radical environmentalism as well as trans-exclusionary radical feminism.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 13, 2022

Two Iranian men were executed for forced sodomy in trial called not “credible”

ShutterstockThe Iranian government is extremely anti-LGBTQ and is routinely condemned by human rights groups for its frequent use of the death penalty.

logo.png  By LGBT  Feb 13, 2022