Gay News

Marriage equality champion Jim Obergefell is running for office in Ohio

ScreenshotJim Obergefell helped make marriage equality a reality in the U.S. now he wants to help everyone "to participate fully in society and the economy."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 20, 2022

Is Kyrsten Sinema planning to run for president in 2024?

Gage Skidmore/via WikipediaKyrsten Sinema doesn't just want to handicap Biden, she allegedly wants his job.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 20, 2022

Parental control apps are outing kids to their parents & blocking them from LGBTQ resources

ShutterstockThe study found that parental control apps block LGBTQ sites like The Trevor Project but allow kids to search for guns and watch OnlyFans.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 20, 2022

Don Lemon calls out Kyrsten Sinema in righteous rant about MLK’s legacy

Screenshot"You're supposed to be a Democrat who espouses to the ideals of Dr. King. That's bullshit."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jan 20, 2022