Gay News

My parents only wanted what was best for me. Too bad they had no idea what it was

When I was a teenager, I was an exchange student in Australia — and it changed the trajectory of my life.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 8, 2023

School district defends decision to end partnership with anti-LGBTQ+ Christian university

The board president pushed back against charges of anti-Christian bias and cited the schools "strong anti-LGBTQ stance."

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 8, 2023

DeSantis appointee thinks tap water makes people gay

He also called homosexuality "shameful" and "deviant."

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 8, 2023

Trump is workshopping the nickname “Tiny D” for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

Trump has previously been called "smaller than average."

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 8, 2023