Gay News

Pentagon report says fears about gays in the military were vastly overblown

Ten years after gay and bi people were allowed to serve openly, military leaders there has been no effect on military readiness.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 1, 2022

Ian McKellen defends straight actors playing gay roles at “Bent” anniversary screening

The actor touched on a complicated debate involving representation both onscreen and behind the scenes, as well as opportunities for LGBTQ actors.

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Church’s rainbow flag smeared with feces amid repeated anti-LGBTQ vandalism

"I wish I could say that this particular act of vandalism is an isolated incident - but it's not," the church wrote.

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Democrats introduce bill to create an LGBTQ history museum in Washington D.C.

Out Rep. Mark Pocan introduced two bills to help make it happen.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 1, 2022