Gay News

DeSantis administration targets LGBTQ restaurant over drag show

The complaint stems from a video posted to TikTok and later share by anti-LGBTQ activist Chaya Raichik.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 29, 2022

Lauren Boebert says trans men are causing baby formula shortage because they won’t “chestfeed”

After Rep. Lauren Boebert claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines "don't work," she went into a rant about how trans people are hogging all the baby formula.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 29, 2022

Tuc Watkins on gay dating after 50 in Netflix’s “Uncoupled”

"I’ve done all those things. I am a gay man, I have turned 50, and I have experienced a break-up in midlife."

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Beyoncé thanks her gay uncle in new album “Renaissance” liner notes

The singer has spoken about her uncle, who was HIV-positive, many times throughout her career.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 29, 2022