Gay News

Young trans man left in coma after being brutally attacked at Pride

A 25-year-old trans man remains in an induced coma after he was attacked at the Christopher Street Day Pride celebrations in Münster, Germany. On Saturday (27 August), more than 10,000 people gathered in Münster city centre to speak out against discrimina

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 2, 2022

Monkeypox: US confirms 31 child cases in latest outbreak update

The United States has recorded at least 31 confirmed cases of monkeypox in children. Officials in 11 US states have, so far, discovered one or more monkeypox cases in children in across the country – including two under the age of four in Florida, reports

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 2, 2022

Britney Spears’ ex-husband Kevin Federline slammed for ‘disgusting’ tell-all interview

Kevin Federline is facing fierce criticism for taking part in a tell-all interview about his past relationship with Britney Spears which fans are calling “disgusting”. On Sunday (4 September), an interview with Federline, a 44-year-old backup

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 2, 2022

Suspicious death of trans student in Bali police custody sparks protests

The death of a trans man in custody in Bali has sparked emotional protests in his home country of Peru. Rodrigo Ventosilla, 32, was a founding member of the Peruvian trans rights advocacy organisation Diversidades Trans Masculinas, and was a Harvard Kenne

logo.png  By LGBT  Sep 2, 2022