Gay News

Florida student suspended for handing out Pride flags at protest against cruel ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill

The student organiser of school walk-outs across Florida in protest against the state’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill has been suspended for distributing Pride flags. Despite condemnation across the US and internationally, Florida’s &

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 5, 2022

Meet the lesbian couple who took down Nazis with paper bullets

Provided (Courtesy of the Jersey Heritage Collections)The women were finally betrayed in 1944. The Germans imprisoned them, tried them and sentenced them to death.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 5, 2022

“Family values” Republican drops re-election bid after raunchy texts reveal extramarital affair

Texas Congressional websiteHe's gonna have to have a very uncomfortable discussion with his wife and three kids.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 5, 2022

Crusty GOP candidate wants to resurrect Trump’s dumb trans military ban because of bedwetting

screenshotMitchell Swan considers trans identity to be a medical condition, like bedwetting and sleepwalking. Yes, really.

logo.png  By LGBT  Mar 5, 2022