Gay News

This straight politician gave up all hope of reelection to stand by LGBTQ people

Courage in politics is too often lacking. 

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 31, 2022

Former NBA star Tim Hardaway apologizes for notorious “I hate gay people” comment

Over the years, Hardaway has proven his evolution on LGBTQ rights. Now, with a sincere apology, maybe he'll find forgiveness from the queer community.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 31, 2022

Marjorie Taylor Greene tweets image of severed hand to somehow prove Joe Biden hates women

And, of course, for her it all comes down to transgender people.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 31, 2022

J.K. Rowling’s latest novel is about a female celebrity harassed by social media users

She swears it's not based on her real-life experiences, but that's doubtful.

logo.png  By LGBT  Aug 31, 2022