Gay News

Isle of Man finally pardons queer men cruelly convicted under historic anti-gay sex laws

The Isle of Man has finally granted pardons to queer men who were convicted under historic sex laws before they were changed in 1992. Anyone cautioned or convicted of “homosexual activity”, including those who have since died, will be automati

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 30, 2022

This drag queen had the best response to an anti-LGBTQ Republican threatening a lawsuit

YouTube screenshotArizona gubernatorial candidate says that drag queens "sexualize" children. Her old drag queen pal says she brought her kid to his show, and he refuses to shut up about it.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 30, 2022

Marjorie Taylor Greene says people who threaten trans people & drag queens need guns

Gage Skidmore"And how is a gun owner going to stop the 'trans agenda in schools'? By shooting and killing?"

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 30, 2022

Anti-LGBTQ politics compel Kentucky teacher of the year to resign

YouTube screenshot"I feel unsafe to return to the classroom."

logo.png  By LGBT  Jun 30, 2022