Gay News

Strictly Come Dancing: Richie Anderson stuns with Beyoncé tribute in routine, and fans are obsessed

Richie Anderson wowed Strictly Come Dancing fans and judges after a show-stopping performance that incorporated iconic Beyoncé choreography. The gay Radio 2 presenter and his professional partner Giovanni Pernice dazzled with a captivating quickstep durin

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 3, 2022

Health secretary Thérèse Coffey ignored advice to replenish stocks of monkeypox vaccine

Health secretary Thérèse Coffey has been accused of ‘jeopardising public health’ after she decided not to secure extra monkeypox vaccines despite advice from officials. Coffey decided not to purchase a recommended 70,000 extra doses of the monkeypox vacci

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 3, 2022

Lil Nas X paused concert for bathroom emergency: ‘I was literally back there dropping demons’

Lil Nas X paused a concert after nature called, and he disclosed the emergency bathroom break to a cheering crowd of fans. The “Industry Baby” performer candidly told concertgoers in the middle of a show in Atlanta, Georgia earlier this week that he neede

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 3, 2022

What critics are saying about AMC’s super gay “Interview With the Vampire”

The new adaptation of Anne Rice's novel makes the homoerotic subtext into actual text.

logo.png  By LGBT  Oct 3, 2022