Gay News

George Santos asks court to allow travel for shopping & dining while awaiting trial

Facing 13 serious criminal charges, Santos asks the court for leniency.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 20, 2023

Virginia adopts new policies that force trans students to use the wrong bathrooms & pronouns

The state once allowed trans students use bathrooms, pronouns, and play on sports teams matching their gender identities. Not anymore...

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 20, 2023

Charles Barkley’s f-bomb hot take on the Bud Light controversy is exactly what allies need to say

He bought a round of Bud Light for bar patrons and had some choice words for the bigots boycotting the brand.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 19, 2023

Disabled trans man shot 5 times as attacker yelled anti-LGBTQ+ slurs

Andrew Blake-Newton hopes telling his story will embolden other trans people to speak out about their experiences.

logo.png  By LGBT  Jul 19, 2023